What happens within us and between us when we meet on the dance floor and come into contact with each other? Where is the boundary between the I and the you, my space and your space and what happens right there, on this contact surface? Where and when do things come together or not?
In this 90-minute workshop, we will open up a space to say yes and no, explore uncertainties and practise verbal and non-verbal communication. A workshop for all people who want to feel, explore, experiment and are interested in creating a space together in which we can meet each other with appreciation.
Noë (none/they) teaches yoga classes and further education on the topic of touch and consensus, categorizing the experience as a political practice that deals with privilege, prejudice and oppression at its core.
Luka (he/they) is a bodyworker with a focus on queer, trans*, non-binary realities and is fascinated by the intricacies of how contact happens within us, with us, between us and what it takes.